Welcome to Writing 9-10! I'm excited that we will be working together over the next nine weeks to become better writers! I have been teaching Language Arts at the 7th - 12th grade levels for thirteen years. I have collaborated with the Nebraska Writer's Collective--bringing slam poets in for writing workshops, and have sponsored students' work (fictional short stories and poetry) that have been honored by the Nebraska State Reading Association and the Nebraska Writer's Project.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Large Group Writing Activity
2). Google Doc. = Label the Document "Class Writing"
Word Doc. = Circle----Save As----"Class Writing"
3). Type your first name in the top left hand corner of the screen.
4). Click on the following link and find a first line that works best for you to get a story started:
5). Type the first line onto your Google Doc/Microsoft Word doc.
6). Mrs. Enos will give you ten minutes to begin your writing. Once time is up, we will rotate and read our peers' writings and add to them with the purpose of IMPROVING THE QUALITY of their story, and to KEEP THE PLOT MOVING.
7). You will be led back to your original computer near the end of class to reread, revise, and print your "group writing".
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Wednesday: Station A
1). Click on the following link: http://writingexercises.co.uk/plotgenerator.php
2). Write down 6 different plot possibilities that include the following:
-Main Character
-Main Character 2
*Click on the boxes until you find a combination you can work with and write your options in the six box grid in your notebook.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Giving Expression to Our Writing!
Today we will be recording our writing via a podcast using Audacity. Here will be our agenda for today:
1). Go to Start ----- Programs ----Audacity
2). Mrs. Enos will check out a set of headphones to you. Make sure the microphone function is on.
3). Mrs. Enos will pass out your final draft. This is your "script" for when you record your voice.
4). You may do as many takes as you want before the bell rings. You will want to save your final recording to your personal student folder. We will be sharing these with peers tomorrow in class.
5). If you have time remaining, you may watch any of these video examples of pet peeve writings. Pay attention to the speakers' organization within their speech. Click on the approved link below (you'll have to scroll down a little bit when you get to the page to watch the pet peeve speeches):
*Please only watch these three videos.
6). If you have any missing work for me, please try to complete these items for partial credit.
7). Work on your word wall assignment.
8). Review class vocabulary words on Quizlet. http://quizlet.com/47169620/writers-workshop-9-10-quarter-a-class-set-flash-cards/
Monday, September 22, 2014
Monday's Agenda: Word Choice, Voice and Sentence Fluency
1). Word Choice: You will be sharing your rough draft with a neighbor for feedback. They will be highlighting for word choice corrections.
2). Sentence Fluency & Voice: I will be positioning you around the hallway lecture hall area to work on your voice and fluency of your written piece by taking the time to read it aloud to yourself and correct as you read. It's much easier to HEAR and CATCH your errors this way.
3). You will then come into the B107 lab where I will give you my suggestions and corrections and we will compare your rough draft editing to mine and see if we're becoming more critical and observant of our own work.
4). You will log onto the computer, open up the electronic version of your rough draft and compose a final draft.
5). Print off your final draft and give to Mrs. Enos for safe keeping (We record ourselves tomorrow)!
6). Work on your notebook language lessons (due tomorrow)!
7). Work on your word wall (if not already done).
8). Review vocabulary on Quizlet http://quizlet.com/47169620/flashcards
2). Sentence Fluency & Voice: I will be positioning you around the hallway lecture hall area to work on your voice and fluency of your written piece by taking the time to read it aloud to yourself and correct as you read. It's much easier to HEAR and CATCH your errors this way.
3). You will then come into the B107 lab where I will give you my suggestions and corrections and we will compare your rough draft editing to mine and see if we're becoming more critical and observant of our own work.
4). You will log onto the computer, open up the electronic version of your rough draft and compose a final draft.
5). Print off your final draft and give to Mrs. Enos for safe keeping (We record ourselves tomorrow)!
6). Work on your notebook language lessons (due tomorrow)!
7). Work on your word wall (if not already done).
8). Review vocabulary on Quizlet http://quizlet.com/47169620/flashcards
Friday, September 19, 2014
Friday: Station A
In your Writer's Notebook you need to compose a Top 5 List of the most important tips that was mentioned about persuasive writing in the video (click on the link at the bottom of this post).
Simply write, "Video Notes" on the top of the page with today's date, number your paper #1-#5 (leave some space in-between numbers) and record your notes using complete sentences/detailed phrases.
Pause the video as needed. Make sure you have headphones on and that they're plugged into the computer before beginning the video
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Thursday's Agenda
Please complete the following items in this order:
1). Complete your self-reflection for next week's conferences
-Follow directions carefully
-Address ALL the questions in elaborated, detailed, and complete sentences
-Proofread your work thoroughly. This piece of writing will be a representation of your independent writing skills and the time and commitment you put into your work. What is your level of "want to"?
-Print off one copy of your self-reflection and place it inside your manilla conference folder.
2). If you have not completed a rough draft of your Pet Peeve writing, you need to do this next and print off two copies to be directly handed to Mrs. Enos (do not put this in your folder).
3). Language Homework in your Writer's Notebook -Read the directions carefully before constructing your sentences with the provided sets of commonly confused homophones.
4). Complete your Word Wall assignment/s if you have not presented yet this quarter or have a zero in the grade book for this assignment.
5). Work on any missing work (check Powerschool) for me and turn it in (better late than never).
6). Review the class generated list of vocabulary words from this quarter by going here: http://quizlet.com/47169620/flashcards
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Wednesday's Agenda
1). Finish rating your first two papers of the semester using the attached rubrics on the back of your "final drafts" of both your Goals Paper and your School Violence/Student Health Paper. See Mrs. Enos if you need a highlighter.
2). Type your P-T Conference Self-Reflection for next week. Print off two copies and place in your conference folder.
3). Return your conference folder to Mrs. Enos before the end of class!!!!!
3). Complete your Writer's Notebook assignment on homophones.
4). Study the class's student-generated vocabulary list via quizlet: http://quizlet.com/47169620/flashcards
2). Type your P-T Conference Self-Reflection for next week. Print off two copies and place in your conference folder.
3). Return your conference folder to Mrs. Enos before the end of class!!!!!
3). Complete your Writer's Notebook assignment on homophones.
4). Study the class's student-generated vocabulary list via quizlet: http://quizlet.com/47169620/flashcards
Monday, September 15, 2014
Monday's Agenda
Please do the following in this order:
1). Complete the rough draft of your Pet Peeve writing.
-Utilize your outline from last week and the peach-colored model paper to help prevent writer's block
-Print off two copies of your rough draft by the end of class
2). Complete your Writer's Notebook assignments:
-Language Lessons - Possessive Nouns
-5 Example Hooks
3). Have a peer who is also done with his/her rough draft swap rough drafts and give feedback.
4). Study the class vocabulary list via Quizlet (click on the link) http://quizlet.com/47169620/flashcards
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
When to Use an Apostrophe & Creating a Decent Hook
1). When do you use an apostrophe ( ' ) and when do you not? Watch the video below to learn the answer:
2). Now complete your language homework in your writer's notebook (REWRITE THE SENTENCES COMPLETELY IN YOUR NOTEBOOK).
3. Watch the following video on hooks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnq17dyxyu4 Then turn to a new page in your writer's notebook and create 5 hooks for your Pet Peeve writing. Write an example for each of the following techniques:
-Metaphor/Simile/Analogy (rather than an inverted pyramid)
-Fact or Statistic (give credit to the source)
-Anecdote/personal experience
-Rhetorical Question
-Bold Statement
*If you like one of these hooks better than the hook you created yesterday on your outline, change your hook in your outline.
4. Watch the following video about the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx2-PcBzZjo
5. Then reread your thesis you created on your outline yesterday. Change/Rewrite/Edit to make it better than what we wrote down the day before.
6. Watch the following video on writing an introductory paragraph. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J3COR_IKG2c Then open a Google Doc. or Microsoft Word document and compose your introductory paragraph. Look back on your outline from yesterday so you can check you have all the parts! Make sure to save your work!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Six Traits of Writing, Persuasive Voice and Podcasts
Watch the following videos today in chronological order/as listed below:
*Video #1: (We will watch and discuss as a class)
Ethos, Pathos, & Logos
*Video #2: Pet Peeves:
Watch the following video to create a Top #15 list (you will add five of your own ideas onto the video's Top #10 list in your packet).
*Video #3: Review the Six Traits of Writing:
-Watch the video and complete the skeleton notes. Feel free to pause or re-watch the video as needed so you can fill in the blanks.
*Video #4: Sundae Metaphor:
Click on the link below to follow along a Prezi presentation (no sound on this one) that will take you through a sundae metaphor. Label the parts of the sundae with the different six traits of writing.
FINALLY: Create your own metaphor for the six traits of writing. Image and explanation due tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Quizlet Vocabulary Tool
At the end of the quarter, you will have a test over all the Word Wall words we have been contributing to our growing list as a class. If you click on the link below you can utilize Quizlet, an online vocabulary studying tool that we will use to prepare for this test. Please access the link at anytime you want to study or prepare for this exam. There are a lot of fun and interactive options for studying! http://quizlet.com/47169620/writers-workshop-9-10-quarter-a-class-set-flash-cards/
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